Fabien Jordan Talks IoT Satellite Mobility

By Erica Hooper Lee | 28 March 2021


One of the challenges in understanding SatIoT and what role it can play in your overall IoT strategy, is understanding what kind of data you need to collect, your asset’s behavior, and how often you need to collect certain telemetry. Whether an object is moving or is static can determine the SatIoT services that will work best for your organization. How many sensors you need to track and whether you need the ability to send devices updates and commands, are also considerations for determining the right kind of service.

Alan Gottlieb, editor and publisher of Satellite Mobility World, hopes to answer these questions and more in the upcoming webinar “IoT – Its Future in the World of Satellite Mobility” on Tuesday April 13th at 7:00 am PT. Alan Gottlieb is also the Managing Director at Gottlieb International Group, which specializes in the use of Satellite Communications technology in Maritime, Oil and Gas, Aviation and related Mobility markets. In this panel they hope to unravel the complexities of leveraging IoT and more specifically Satellite IoT to meet business needs to monitoring and management of key assets.

Astrocast SatIoT

Fabien Jordan CEO of Astrocast will be joining this panel of satellite connectivity experts, including Iridium and Omnispace, and will discuss what to look for in your SatIot service, how to customize Satellites to fit your overall IoT strategies, and the power of LEO nanosatellites for IoT.

IoT – Its Future in the World of Satellite Mobility
Tuesday April 13th at 7:00 am PT
Free webinar registration